Navigating the contemporary dating scene may be like exploring a digital jungle full of clever text exchanges and calculated social media photos as February, the quintessential month of love, approaches with its air heavy with romance and anticipation. In this vibrant landscape, whether you’re unraveling a breadcrumb trail or entangled in a situationship, understanding the latest slang is key to mastering the art of romantic communication.


So, to help you decode and describe your tidbits of dating experiences more spot on, we’ve created this modern list of dating-related colloquialisms for you!


  1. Benching (verb): Refers to giving someone minimal attention to keep them “benched” as a low-priority option without genuine interest or intent for a profound connection.
  2. Black Cat Personality (noun): Originating on TikTok, describes a partner with mysterious, independent, and alluring traits, stereotypically associated with a black cat.
  3. Breadcrumbing (verb): The act of giving a romantic interest small, intermittent “breadcrumbs” of communication to keep them hopeful and invested without the intention of commitment.
  4. Breezing (verb): Being straightforward at the start of a new relationship; to navigate quickly and confidently (like a breeze), without worry or embarrassment.
  5. Catch and Release (noun): Hooking up without emotional attachment or ongoing commitment.
  6. Catfish (noun/verb): Pretending to be someone else online to deceive others romantically.
  7. Cuffing Season (noun): A time when singles seek relationships during the cold months, originating from African-American vernacular for “hook up,” and was defined by Urban Dictionary in 2011.
  8. Cushioning (verb): Refers to making backup romantic connections while still in a primary relationship to “cushion” the anticipated breakup’s impact.
  9. Deep-liking (verb): Liking old social media posts, indicating you’ve been browsing about the other person extensively.
  10. Delulu (adjective): Short for delusional, it refers to someone with unrealistic or overly optimistic expectations about a romantic relationship, often ignoring red flags or actual circumstances.
  11. Draking (verb): Inspired by the American rapper Drake coining the word into his song’s lyrics, it means behaving emotionally, such as drunk texting or calling exes. 
  12. Drafting Season (noun): Pre-cuffing period for evaluating potential partners for upcoming seasons.
  13. DTR (Define The Relationship) (verb): Having a conversation to clarify the status and boundaries of a relationship.
  14. Eclipsing (verb): Adopting the hobbies and interests of someone you’re dating to create more connections.
  15. Firedooring (verb): A one-sided relationship where effort, attention, or communication isn’t reciprocated equally; just like a fire door, it only opens on one side.
  16. Gatsbying (verb): It refers to posting social media content specifically to catch someone’s attention, inspired by Jay Gatsby’s grand parties for Daisy in “The Great Gatsby.”
  17. Ghosting (verb): Suddenly disappearing entirely from your life without prior notice or direct explanation.
  18. Golden Retriever Personality (noun): Originating on TikTok, a “golden retriever (boyfriend)” is a partner who’s loyal, supportive, upbeat, goofy, and fun to be around.
  19. Haunting (verb): Suddenly engaging with your social media activity after they have already previously ghosted you.
  20. Kittenfish (noun/verb): It’s an online dating strategy involving little lies, like misrepresenting height or interests, to attract potential dates.
  21. Love Bombing (verb): Overwhelming someone with excessive attention and affection to gain control in a relationship; usually experienced in the early stages of dating.
  22. Mermaiding (verb): Similar to ghosting, it often refers to women who are alluring and then vanishing unexpectedly after a long period of intense closeness.
  23. Monkeying (verb): Jumping from one relationship to another without breaks in between.
  24. NSFW (Not Safe For Work) (adjective): Social media contentn or personal message content inappropriate for viewing in professional or public settings.
  25. Orbiting (verb): Staying engaged with someone’s “orbit” on social media after ending a relationship, creating confusion about intentions.
  26. Paperclipping (verb): To intermittently contact someone to keep them as an option or emotional backup without serious dating intentions; it’s like bookmarking a page.
  27. Penguin (noun/verb): It’s the person you want to be with forever, inspired by the mating rituals of Adelie penguins.
  28. Phubbing (verb): Coined by Adrian Mills, it means snubbing someone by focusing on your phone during face-to-face interactions; a portmanteau word combining “phone” and “snubbing.”
  29. Pick-Me Girl/Boy (noun): Someone who behaves to seek approval by putting others down and standing out.
  30. Pocketing (verb): Keeping a partner separate from other areas of one’s life, like family or friends, effectively hiding them.
  31. R-bombing (verb): Receiving a message without replying, leaving the sender on “read” or “seen;” “R” refers to “read.”
  32. Roaching (verb): Discovering that a partner is secretly dating multiple prospects; it is associated with spotting one cockroach, yet suggests there could be more hidden.
  33. Sad Boy/Girl (noun): Someone who openly expresses their emotions and vulnerabilities, often attracting partners through their melancholic and introspective nature.
  34. Shack Pack (noun): An emergency bag kept ready for casual hook-ups; it’s used widely in the UK, as “shack up” equates to “live in” in the Philippines.
  35. Situationship (noun): To be in a dating situation where the two are more than friends but not quite a labeled romantic relationship.
  36. Sliding into DMs (Direct Messages) (verb): Starting a conversation by messaging someone directly on social media.
  37. Slow Fading (verb): Gradually reducing communication and contact to quietly end a relationship without direct confrontation.
  38. Soft-launching (verb): Coined by actress Rachel Sennott’s deleted tweet, it refers to subtly hinting at a new relationship on social media—like posting two glasses of wine.
  39. Stashing (verb): The act of one partner keeping a romantic interest hidden from friends and family by concealing them from the rest of his/her life.
  40. Starfish (noun): A passive or lazy partner who’s too tired for intimate activities and just lies spread out on the bed, resembling a starfish shape.
  41. Submarining (verb): To “resurface” after disappearing without apology for the previous absence.
  42. Swerving (verb): Intentionally avoiding someone you’re not interested in dating.
  43. Textlationship (noun): Relationship existing solely through text messages; minimal real-life interaction. Others call it “ka-talking stage.”
  44. Thirst Trap (noun): A provocative or alluring social media post staged to attract attention or admiration, often by showcasing one’s physical appearance that might make others “thirst.”
  45. Thirsty (adjective): Desperate or overly eager, usually for attention or affection.
  46. Tuning (verb): To flirtatiously “tune” someone to spark their interest and then potentially shift the relationship dynamic for a future romantic move.
  47. Zombieing (verb): When someone who you’ve already moved on from or has been “dead” to you sporadically reappears via direct texts or social media interaction.


With this glimpse into the quirky world of contemporary romance, where each swipe and message craft its own rules, you’re now equipped to navigate the dating landscape. Whether you’re dodging ghosts or subtly tuning in with interest, it’s all part of the adventure to find your forever penguin. We hope this guide helps you embrace the delightful chaos of modern love with confidence and charm!


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